Spiritual Growth Opportunities
Sunday School for Children (This will begin again September 15th)
Sunday 10:15 am - 11 am
Sunday School is for 1st-6th graders! We are using the Growing in God's Love curriculum and have an amazing team of volunteer teachers. The first Sunday is the only Sunday that the grade school children remain in worship. All other Sundays, Sunday School is from 10:15-11:00. Child care available every Sunday for children 2-5 years old from 10:15-11. If you're a parent / grandparent with questions about Sunday School please contact Nicole through the church office.
Pray-ground and Rocking Chairs
During worship children are invited to play in our "pray-ground" located in the sanctuary. Books, blocks, and other tools for entertainment are available. Rocking chairs are also available for rocking babies (or just for the sake of rocking!).
Portland Youth Service Corp
We are excited to a part of a greater Portland Youth group consisting of young people from multiple congregations who meet monthly. Fall plans are in the making. If you are interested, please contact the church office for more information.
Soul Food Scripture Discussion(Hybrid) (This will begin again September 22nd)
Sundays at 11:30 am (after worship) in-person and click here for Zoom.
We meet in the Church office (or in the parlor space with the fire place if we have more than 6 participants) at 11:30 after worship. You can also join us via Zoom.
Awakenings: A Recovery Worship Experience
First Wednesday of every month at 7:00 pm on Zoom (click here for link)
This is a faith community from around the nation that blends the gift of recovery found in programs such as the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and the power of the Christian faith. Anonymity is expected. Our theme this month is Epiphanies, those visionary moments when we have a sudden God-inspired, insight or realization that changes our understand of ourselves or our situation. We hope you join us!
Sojourners (This will begin again September 18th)
Wednesdays at 7:00 pm via Zoom (click here for link)
Sojourners is a small group that meet online for an hour to discuss matters of faith through the lens of various topics. In September we will begin a series intended to explore how as Christians can we interact with people from opposing political belief. Come listen to a powerful Ted Talk and then share your own experiences, reflections and faith on this topic.There is no preparation required. We’d love to have you join us. Sojourners does NOT meet on the first Wednesday of the month which is dedicated to our Awakenings: Recovery Worship Experience service.
Small Group Ministry (New!)
This fall we will begin a ministry designed to bring people together outside of Sunday morning to build community and grow in faith. Look for more information in September.
Book Group
Tuesdays at 4 pm
Fall Book yet to be determined.